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Aja Dorsainvil Posted at 3:02 PM, Aug 10, 2022 and last updated 2:02 PM, Aug 10, 2022
PALM BEACH COUNTY, Fla. — The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office is urging residents to beware of a new phone scam.
An impostor is calling people with false information about a jailed family member and asking to pay a bail bond of $1,000 for the relative’s release, according to deputies.
The con artist then emails a pre-filled United States District Court Appearance Bond of Witness form from a phony PBSO email address “[email protected],” authorities say.
residents of bail bonds scam
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Scam alert
By: Aja DorsainvilPosted at 3:02 PM, Aug 10, 2022 and last updated 2:02 PM, Aug 10, 2022
PALM BEACH COUNTY, Fla. — The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office is urging residents to beware of a new phone scam.
An impostor is calling people with false information about a jailed family member and asking to pay a bail bond of $1,000 for the relative’s release, according to deputies.
The con artist then emails a pre-filled United States District Court Appearance Bond of Witness form from a phony PBSO email address “[email protected],” authorities say.
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On Wednesday, the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office issued a warning to residents who receive these types of calls or emails, stating in part: “THIS IS A SCAM! PBSO employees do not call or email for bond money (payment in any format for anything including bond payments) or ask for any personal information.”
Deputies urge anyone who receives such a phone call or email like this should hang up and call the PBSO non-emergency number at 561-688-3400, or the nearest law enforcement agency.