Article courtesy of the WIBW 13
By Sarah Motter – Published: Sep. 20, 2022 at 1:09 PM CDT
TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) – The Kansas Supreme Court will host a special session in Parsons on Oct. 3.
On Tuesday, Sept. 20, the Kansas Supreme Court announced that it will hear two cases in a special session on Monday, Oct. 3, in Parsons – the next destination in its ongoing outreach to familiarize residents with the high court, its work, and the overall role of the Kansas judicial branch.
The Court said it will be in session from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Parsons High School, 3030 Morton Ave. After the session concludes, it said justices will then greet the public in an informal reception.
The first case the Court said it will hear, Appeal No. 123,077: State of Kansas v. Richard I. Moler II, comes out of Hamilton Co. It said a jury convicted Moler of two counts of violating the Kansas Offender Registration Act by failing to include two vehicles local police saw him driving in his registration information
In the Court of Appeals, documents indicate that Moler argued the evidence was insufficient to support the convictions for two reasons. First, he said the State established only that he drove each vehicle once, which he contended was insufficient to trigger a duty to register them. Second, he said the evidence did not establish each of the allegations contained in the charges.
Moler also claimed his trial counsel was ineffective. However, the Court of Appeals affirmed his convictions.
The Court said that the issues on review are whether the Court of Appeals made a mistake in finding that there was sufficient evidence on both claims.
The second case the Court said will be heard, Appeal No. 120,566: State of Kansas v. Justin Burke Eckert, comes from Miami Co. It said a jury convicted Eckert of aggravated kidnapping, aggravated battery aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, criminal threat, cultivation of marijuana, and 25 counts of possession of drug paraphernalia.
Court documents indicate that Eckert appealed several issues directly to the Court of Appeals, which agreed with him in part, and affirmed the district court in part. Both parties petitioned the Supreme Court for review.
The Court noted that it granted the cross-petition pleas. Issues on review will be whether the Court of Appeals made a mistake in finding Eckert’s drug paraphernalia convictions multiplictious, and whether there was sufficient evidence to support Eckert’s conviction involving the use of propane and a blower attached to the tank as drug paraphernalia.
Those who wish to attend the special session should plan to arrive early to allow time for security screening. The doors will open at 5:30 p.m. and the following guidelines will be followed:
- Do not bring food or drink.
- Do not bring large bags, large purses, backpacks, computer cases, or briefcases; small handbags are permitted.
- Do not bring knives, pepper spray, firearms, or weapons.
- Do not bring electronic devices like laptop computers, handheld games, personal digital assistants, or tablets. If you must carry a cell phone, turn it off and store it out of sight while court is in session.
Those who are in the audience at the special session will be prohibited from talking during oral argument because it interferes with the attorney’s remarks and questions asked by justices. If someone arrives after the proceedings start, or must leave before it ends, they should be as quiet as possible entering and exiting the auditorium. Talking immediately outside the auditorium.
Original Article – https://www.wibw.com/2022/09/20/kansas-supreme-court-host-special-oct-3-session-parsons/